human_to_cartoon项目概括:人物动漫化与动漫人物化,使用的算法是CycleGan,过段时间可以出一篇关于CycleGan的解释博客,代码是完整的python文件包含训练与测试代码。由于训练的图片数据太大了,github上传不了不过大家可以去网上搜索CycleGan,有不少相关的数据集可以提供下载。这个项目适合准备入行AIGC行业的小白,在他们学习扩散模型前可以先试试cyclegan算法自己来实现。项目代码: is a small project that transforming human pictures into cartoon images, and also capable of transforming cartoon images into human images. The methods applied is CycleGAN. CycleGAN is primarily used to transform domain of an image into another domain. In this project, we trained two generators and two discriminators to apply cyclegan. Because the training time takes too long, our model does not perform very well on human-cartoon transformation. However, given more time, we will train more and make generator better for transformation. Human :Cartoon(Transformed) :Cartoon :Human(Transformed) :